It is primarily limited to the planning and management of your savings and investments. It falls into the category of ‘Restricted’ under the Financial Conduct Authority rules. In our case this means that we do not advise on every possible type of financial product and have chosen not to operate in certain recognised high risk product areas. We concentrate on investments - as well as life and pension business where a client wishes us to do so.
We invest globally, preferring the medium of collectives - including OEICs, unit trusts, closed & open-ended investment companies, investment trusts, offshore and mutual funds. Not only does this approach result in a dilution of risk (collective investments typically invest in at least 60 to 70 individual stocks), it also allows us to delegate the stock picking to managers with proven track records in a particular market segment.
Our in-house fund rating model has regard for a fund’s performance, cost, consistency, volatility, management style and tenure, as well as third party research. We also monitor a very wide range of investment, life, and pension funds.